Sunday, 1 March 2009

Fat free cakes!

To make up for all the calories in the previous post, have a look at these... fat free, high fibre cupcake pincushions! Hurrah! They are made with rolled up pieces of felted charity-shop-sweater, using the cuff or edge ribbing for the casing. It's really not that easy to find decent feltable sweaters for such a purpose, but there are one or two out there if you keep your eyes peeled.

Sadly, the much-loved and much-derided Masterchef is over for another year (yay for champion Mat, my favourite contestant), but wander on over to meemalee's kitchen to ease the withdrawal symptoms with an absolutely hilarious analysis of the final. Love it.


meemalee said...

Aw Lou - you're such a sweetie - thanks for the pimping!

I love all of your woolly creations you know. I wish I could knit but I can only do scarves and that's only if my mum starts me off :)

Di said...

The cakes look great! And Mat was my favourite too!