Monday, 10 September 2007

SKB progress

Just back from my week at River Cottage, very tired but it was great. Foody posts and pics to follow but here's an update on the Stitch Diva Simple Knitted Bodice which I was working on during my travels. I've hit the lace/beady section under the bust and it's seriously slow going, especially since I snapped the top inch off the left needle only 3 rows in to the journey to Edinburgh. VERY annoying! Apologies for the strange colours in the pics, it was dark.

It's looking a bit weird at the moment, but I'm liking the top-down method which means you can get a feel for how it's going. I need to do 3 inches of the lacy bit in total, then straight down to the bottom in stocking stitch. Then pick up the stitches of the sleeves and do the lace pannel in the same place, and a bit of a flare towards the bottom.

I read a few different methods for adding the beads to the stitches and wasn't happy with either threading them all on to the ball before starting, or using a crochet hook to pull the stitch through each bead individually, so I've been using a sort of hybrid technique. I threaded a thin needle onto either end of a short bit of cotton and knotted them in place. The stitch to be beaded is passed onto the thread, and then the bead pulled onto the stitch by threading both needles through the hole in the bead and pulling it down onto the stitch. Once beaded, the stitch can be put back on the L needle and knitted as normal. S-L-O-W!

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